The Kedareswar temple
DirectionCategory Religious
The Kedareswar temple is located about 67 km from Jhansi city near Mauranipur town. The temple is located on a high hilltop. The main temple was built of stone during
the Chandela period in 12th century. An unique Shiva ling based on the back of Nandi is installed in the sanctum.
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How to Reach:
By Air
At 103 km from Jhansi, Gwalior is the nearest airport. Delhi is the closest international airport, 321 km from Jhansi.
By Train
Jhansi is an important railhead on the Delhi-Chennai route. Most major cities in the country like Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Agra, Bhopal, Gwalior, etc. are connected to Jhansi by rail.
By Road
Jhansi is well connected by road to many major cities in the country. Cities like Agra, Khajurao, Delhi, Kanpur, Lucknow, etc. are easily accessible from Jhansi by road.